Roshi Eve Myonen Marko is a Founding Teacher of the Zen Peacemaker Order and the Green River Zen Center. She has served as a Spiritholder at bearing witness retreats in Auschwitz-Birkenau, Rwanda, and at programs with Lakota elders in the Black Hills, and is also a writer and editor. Her latest book, The Book of Householder Koans: Waking Up In the Land of Attachments, in collaboration with with Roshi Wendy Egyoku Nakao, was published in February 2020.
To read some of Roshi Eve's Dharma Talks click here.
To read some of Roshi Eve's Dharma Talks click here.
Sensei Sally Sonen Kealy has been a student of Zen since 1976. Her first teachers were Sr. Elaine McInnis and Yamada Koun Roshi whom she met while in the Philippines. Sally continued her Zen Study with Roshi Bernie Glassman whom she met in 1980. She received lay ordination (jukai) from Roshi Bernie in 1987, and then following priest novice ordination she received Denkai in 1998. Bernie recognized Sonen as a Zen Teacher on April 24, 2011.
Throughout her Zen Study Sonen studied Yang and Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan, Ba Gua Jiang, Chi Kung and was certified in the Taoist Water Meditation Method in 1999. She also spent many years studying different styles of Yoga. She advocates body practices as an essential element of meditation which is often by-passed or missed.
Sonen co-taught with Roshi Eve Marko at the Green River Zen Center and now serves as Head Priest for Buddhist Liturgy.
Sonen has a Masters Degree from NYU and four-year post graduate degree in Gestalt psychotherapy. She has a psychotherapy practice in Amherst and currently also works virtually from her home-office. (914-837-7646).
Throughout her Zen Study Sonen studied Yang and Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan, Ba Gua Jiang, Chi Kung and was certified in the Taoist Water Meditation Method in 1999. She also spent many years studying different styles of Yoga. She advocates body practices as an essential element of meditation which is often by-passed or missed.
Sonen co-taught with Roshi Eve Marko at the Green River Zen Center and now serves as Head Priest for Buddhist Liturgy.
Sonen has a Masters Degree from NYU and four-year post graduate degree in Gestalt psychotherapy. She has a psychotherapy practice in Amherst and currently also works virtually from her home-office. (914-837-7646).
Sensei John Kealy is a former Catholic priest and a Zen practitioner of 40 years. He is a dharma successor of Roshi Robert Kennedy. He is a physician.
Sensei Tom Daijo Redden, PhD, is a retired professor of political science in Vermont, and has had a daily meditation practice since 1978. He was introduced to formal Zen practice at Myoshinji Temple in Kyoto, Japan, and studied for years under Roshis Bernie Glassman, John Daido Loori, Lou Mitsunen Nordstrom, and now Eve Myonen Marko. He was ordained by and received denkai from Sensei Sally Sonen Kealy. He is a graduate of the Upaya Chaplaincy program under Roshi Joan Halifax and now volunteers in prisons and in Hospice, while writing a book on a Buddhist approach to politics in the US.
Sensei Suzanne Shunryo Webber works as a community mental health counselor with a specialty in complex trauma and substance use challenges. She loves gardening and community development with an emphasis on nature connection. She and her husband Al Miller are founders of a farm where youth mentoring and shared stewardship continue to meaningfully touch the lives of hundreds of families and individuals.