Zoom link for Tuesdays & Saturdays Zoom link for Weekday Mornings
Welcome! We invite all those looking for a place to practice, a supportive sangha and insightful teaching to come visit and explore our offerings. We sit together via zoom at the above links Weekday Mornings and Tuesday Evenings. On Saturday Mornings we sit in-person at Windhorse Hill Retreat Center, 595B River Road, Deerfield, MA and on zoom.
If you are not on our email list and would like to receive our quarterly newsletter and the weekly schedule, please email: g[email protected]
We are a vibrant Zen Buddhist community integrating the Japanese-based Zen tradition with styles of Zen study and practice more accessible to contemporary American and practitioners.
Founding Teacher Roshi Eve Myonen Marko, Rev. Sensei Sally Sonen Kealy and Senseis John Kealy, Tom Daijo Redden, Suzanne Shunryo Webber and John Genyo Sprague, as well as Dharma Holders and invited teachers offer dharma talks. Teachers offer opportunity for private study and face-to-face. We also offer monthly one-day retreats and longer retreats two to three times a year, as well as precepts classes, guest teachers and other trainings (see Special Events.)
Green River Zen Center is part of the Zen Peacemaker family, founded by Roshi Bernie Glassman, and the White Plum lineage, established by Roshi Taizan Maezumi. A Stewards council, comprised of sangha members, governs Green River Zen Center (see Shared Stewardship). The council meets three times a year and all members of the sangha are encouraged to attend.
We welcome diversity and support collective awakening by appreciating the Zen flavor of each and every participant.
We are fully wheelchair accessible at 595B River Road, South Deerfield, MA.