Shared Stewardship - Our next Stewards meeting is January 11, after regular Saturday Schedule - all are welcome.
The Green River Zen Center is a living mandala for the awakening of all, part of the timeless work towards liberation that began long before we arrived and will continue long after we’re no longer here.
In a model of Shared Stewardship, personal differences are appreciated for what they are - doorways to different perceptions, dreams and talents. The Zendo is organized according to the Five Buddha Wisdom Families: Buddha, Karma, Padma, Ratna, and Vajra. We translate them as: Not-knowing, Social Action, Relationship & Arts, Resources, and Study. Each is a circle of life emphasizing its own wisdom while also incorporating the other four. Together they make sure that the needs of the sangha are served in balance and harmony. Each family has its own circle of practitioners to take care of the needs and guide the issues related to that circle. Shared Stewardship is a sociocratic-type model for self-governance; it is also a practice to bear witness to the diversity of all our members and participants, and the one sangha that emerges.
Like Kannon who has many hands and hears all the sounds of the universe, this model of self-governance trains Stewards and all Zendo members to hear as many voices as possible, and then use our different skill sets and capabilities—our many arms—to take care of ourselves and the world.
Shared Stewardship Meetings are held in January, May, September. All GRZC Members are warmly invited to attend. Each voice matters as we make budgetary and administrative decisions.