Including the Winter Intensive: Training in the Bodhisattve Path
followed by suggested resources
Tuesday, January 7: Sensei Tom Daijo Redden, The Buddha's Awakening and Welcoming New Life
Tuesday, January 14: Sensei Suzanne Shunryo Webber, Welcome to Ango: Training in the Bodhisattva Path
Tuesday, January 21: Sensei John Genyo Sprague, Practicing with the Paramitas
Tuesday, February 4: Mindfulness Teacher Ayisha Ali, from Heart Refuge Mindfulness Community: Chapter. 5, Guarding Alertness
Tuesday, February 18: Dharma Holder Petriana Dantika Monize, Chapter. 6, Patience
Tuesday, March 4: Sensei Tom Daijo Redden, Chapter 7, Enthusiasm (Relying upon Effort)
Tuesday, March 11: Dharma Teacher Steve Kanji Ruhl, Meditation & Wisdom in Shantideva's Bodhicaryavatara
Tuesday, March 18: Sensei Shunryo: Gathering it All Together
Tuesday, April 1: Senseis Sonen and John Kealy, Chapter 10, Dedication
Tuesday, April 8: Senseis Daijo & Shunryo open a discussion of inspirations, doubts, questions
Spring Sesshin, April 10-13 led by Senseis Daijo and Shunro
Suggested Resources for the Intensive
1. Shantideva: A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life (this link shows you many sources including libraries)
2. PDF of translation by Stephen Bachelor (doesn't include the last chapter, Dedication)
3. PDF of translation by Wallace & Wallace (doesn't include the last chapter, Dedication)
4. Commentary by is Holiness the Dalai Lama, A Flash of Lightening in the Dark of Night: A Guide to the Boshisattva's Way of Life, republished as For the Benefit of All Beings: A Commentary on the Way of the Bodhisattva. This commentary makes clear sense of important points.
5. Pema Chodron: Becoming Bodhisattvas: A Guidebook for Compassionate Action
6. Upaya Zen Center Series of 10 Talks by Roshi Joan Halifax and John Dunne: Emptiness & Compassion: Shantideva and the Bodhisattva Practice
7. Short excerpt from the Diamond Sutra, Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra, the Buddha talks w/Subhuiti on the Emptiness of concepts in the minds of Bodhisattvas, translated by Thich Nhat Hanh (this is a clear, short read)
There are many worthwhile commentaries on and translations of Shantideva's text. If you want to use a book and can't get one, let Shunryo know and she may have a copy you could borrow. [email protected].
Including the Winter Intensive: Training in the Bodhisattve Path
followed by suggested resources
Tuesday, January 7: Sensei Tom Daijo Redden, The Buddha's Awakening and Welcoming New Life
Tuesday, January 14: Sensei Suzanne Shunryo Webber, Welcome to Ango: Training in the Bodhisattva Path
Tuesday, January 21: Sensei John Genyo Sprague, Practicing with the Paramitas
Tuesday, February 4: Mindfulness Teacher Ayisha Ali, from Heart Refuge Mindfulness Community: Chapter. 5, Guarding Alertness
Tuesday, February 18: Dharma Holder Petriana Dantika Monize, Chapter. 6, Patience
Tuesday, March 4: Sensei Tom Daijo Redden, Chapter 7, Enthusiasm (Relying upon Effort)
Tuesday, March 11: Dharma Teacher Steve Kanji Ruhl, Meditation & Wisdom in Shantideva's Bodhicaryavatara
Tuesday, March 18: Sensei Shunryo: Gathering it All Together
Tuesday, April 1: Senseis Sonen and John Kealy, Chapter 10, Dedication
Tuesday, April 8: Senseis Daijo & Shunryo open a discussion of inspirations, doubts, questions
Spring Sesshin, April 10-13 led by Senseis Daijo and Shunro
Suggested Resources for the Intensive
1. Shantideva: A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life (this link shows you many sources including libraries)
2. PDF of translation by Stephen Bachelor (doesn't include the last chapter, Dedication)
3. PDF of translation by Wallace & Wallace (doesn't include the last chapter, Dedication)
4. Commentary by is Holiness the Dalai Lama, A Flash of Lightening in the Dark of Night: A Guide to the Boshisattva's Way of Life, republished as For the Benefit of All Beings: A Commentary on the Way of the Bodhisattva. This commentary makes clear sense of important points.
5. Pema Chodron: Becoming Bodhisattvas: A Guidebook for Compassionate Action
6. Upaya Zen Center Series of 10 Talks by Roshi Joan Halifax and John Dunne: Emptiness & Compassion: Shantideva and the Bodhisattva Practice
7. Short excerpt from the Diamond Sutra, Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra, the Buddha talks w/Subhuiti on the Emptiness of concepts in the minds of Bodhisattvas, translated by Thich Nhat Hanh (this is a clear, short read)
There are many worthwhile commentaries on and translations of Shantideva's text. If you want to use a book and can't get one, let Shunryo know and she may have a copy you could borrow. [email protected].